blockfriday - Blocking Kubernetes Deployments with an Admission Controller

Creating new deployments on a Friday is NOT allowed.

Would you create a Kubernetes Admission Controller to block deployments on a Friday and use it in production? No. But you could, create one, say, as an example admission controller.

So that is precisely what I have done, created a very, very (very) simple admission controller, written in Go, that blocks NEW Kubernetes deployments on a Friday. I call it blockfriday.

What’s an Admission Controller?

An admission controller is a piece of software that can intercept requests to the Kubernetes API server and either allow or deny them. Or well, more specifically the Kubernetes API will forward requests to the admission controller for validation. You can use them to enforce policies, like “no deployments on a Friday” or “all deployments must have a label of app: foo”. Using admission controllers you can apply “policy as code” to your Kubernetes cluster. (Note that there are a lot of admission controllers out there. This is just one example.)

How does it work?

This admission controller is a simple Go program, about 200 lines of code, that runs in a pod in the cluster. Once a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration is created which points to this service, the kube-api will send requests to the admission controller for validation. The admission controller will then either allow or deny the request.

This is the main piece of code that does the work:

if isTodayFriday() {
	klog.Infof("Denying the request to create a new Deployment on Friday. Deployment: %s, Namespace: %s", deploymentName, namespace)
	return makeAdmissionResponse(admissionReview.Request.UID, false, "Creating new Deployments on Fridays is not allowed.")

Ultimately, it’s a lot of setup to simply do the above. (Of course there are likely better ways to do this, presumably using Open Policy Agent, aka OPA, but the point here is to write an admission controller.)

But First: Certificates

Honestly, the certificate portion of this admission controller was harder than writing the actual code.

In the case of blockfriday:

  • I’m using cert-manager to, uh, manage certificates
  • The cluster as deployed with kubeadm, so there is a CA in /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
  • I use that CA as part of a Cluster Issuer
  • When deploying the admission controller, I use the Cluster Issuer to create a certificate for the admission controller
  • The admission controller mounts that certificate (which has a cert and a key) in /cert and uses it
  • The ValidatingWebhookConfiguration has a CA bundle that cert-manager injects (magically) for me based on the certificate that cert-manager created (nice), and then the kube-api can talk to the admission controller (though it would already be able to because I’m using the CA that kubeadm deployed, but you get my drift)

Once it’s Deployed

Once the admission controller has been setup (certs, deployment, validatingwebhookconfiguration) it will block new deployments on a Friday.

$ date +%A
$ k create -f test/deployment.yaml 
Error from server: error when creating "test/deployment.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: Creating new Deployments on Fridays is not allowed.

Now we’re blockin’ Fridays!

Checkout the code here.