Deploy Tanzu Build Service into a vSphere with Tanzu Workload Cluster

In this post we’ll deploy the Tanzu Build Service (TBS) onto a vSphere with Tanzu Kubernetes workload cluster.


  1. vSphere with Tanzu deployed and enough resources for the TBS workload cluster
  2. A container image repository, such as Harbor, or Azure CR, etc, any compliant registry should do
  3. A place to run commands (a linux host is best IMHO)

About the Tanzu Build Service

There are several ways to build container images (not just Dockerfiles).

The Tanzu Build Service makes building container images easier, ie. no Dockerfiles, and provides an image control plane, which I believe Kubernetes sorely misses.

You have plenty of options for building containers from source code. Yet many require significant effort and ongoing maintenance to use them properly. And it can be hard to enforce security and operational rigor at scale. Tanzu Build Service offers the convenience of these workflows with more automation and the governance capabilities enterprises need. - Tanzu Build Service

About vSphere with Tanzu

vSphere with Tanzu, what you may remember as being called “Project Pacific”, is Kubernetes lifecycle management built directly into vSphere.

VMware believes that you will have many Kubernetes clusters. Not just one or two or three. So, the main feature of vSphere with Tanzu is to manage the lifecycle of many Kubernetes clusters. The way we do this is by extending Kubernetes with something called Cluster API.

This means, and this can be confusing, that when we want to create a Kubernetes cluster, we actually ask a specialized Kubernetes cluster–the Supervisor Cluster–to do this for us. So we use Kubernetes to deploy Kubernetes. Make sense?

Once the Supervisor Cluster has created our “workload” cluster (and there will be many of these), we can then talk directly to that new workload cluster via its own, completely separate, Kubernetes API.

So, to create a workload cluster we ask the supervisor cluster. Once the workload cluster is created, we talk to it to deploy applications into it. Simple enough once you get the hang of it.

Deploy a vSphere with Tanzu Workload Cluster for TBS

We need a cluster to install TBS into. That cluster needs a couple of things:

  1. Enough room on the nodes to build images - the default 16Gi disk size is not enough, we need a cluster with at least 50Gi on each node for the image builds that TBS does
  2. The right RBAC configuration and permissions

First, let’s deploy the cluster with larger disks.

Login to the Supervisor Cluster

Ensure you are logged into your vSphere with Tanzu supervisor Kubernetes cluster.

NOTE: I alias kubectl to k.

NOTE: I’m logging into my vSphere with Tanzu supervisor cluster found at…yours will of course be different. I’m also using the admin account.

$ k vsphere login --server --insecure-skip-tls-verify -u administrator@vsphere.local

Logged in successfully.

You have access to the following contexts:

If the context you wish to use is not in this list, you may need to try
logging in again later, or contact your cluster administrator.

To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>`

Now that I’m logged in, I have access to the supervisor cluster as well as the supervisor namespaces. So there will be several kube contexts set up.

NOTE: I’m using kubectx aliased to kc instead of kubectl config use-context just because it’s what I always use and I find it easier, IMHO.

$ kc

Switch the Desired Supervisor Namespace

I’m going to deploy the TBS workload cluster into the dev-team-tundra supervisor namespace. So I’ll switch to that config.

$ kc dev-team-tundra
✔ Switched to context "dev-team-tundra".

Deploy a Workload Cluster

Set up a few variables that will be dependent on how you have set up the supervisor cluster, storage, etc.

NOTE: Change these to fit your environment.

export NS=dev-team-tundra # the supervisor namespaces to use
export SC=k8s-storage-policy # the storage policy configured when enabling workload management
export CLUSTER_NAME="tanzu-build-service-cluster2" # the name of the workload cluster
export K8S_VERSION=v1.20.7 # version of k8s to deploy

Now I’ll deploy a cluster to that supervisor namespace.

NOTE: This will deploy the cluster! Note the pipe at the top of the command to kubectl.

NOTE: Notice that in the YAML here we define a separate disk for /var/lib/containerd that is 50Gi in size. We need this for TBS.

cat << EOF | kubectl create -f-
kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
  namespace: $NS
    version: $K8S_VERSION
      count: 1
      class: best-effort-medium
      storageClass: $SC
        - name: etcd
          mountPath: /var/lib/etcd
            storage: 4Gi
      count: 3
      class: best-effort-medium
      storageClass: $SC
        - name: containerd
          mountPath: /var/lib/containerd
            storage: 50Gi
        cidrBlocks: [""]
        cidrBlocks: [""]
      classes: ["$SC"]
      defaultClass: $SC

After a few minutes the cluster will be deployed. (How long depends on the speed of your infrastructure, but say 15-20 minutes.)

Login to the Workload Cluster

Once the new, completely separate k8s cluster is created, we use the kubectl vsphere plugin to login to the workload cluster, switch to that kube context, and from this point on we’ll talk to that cluster’s Kubernetes API, not the supervisor cluster.

k vsphere login --server --insecure-skip-tls-verify -u administrator@vsphere.local\
  --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
  --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace $NS

Once that command completes you’ll have a new context for the workload cluster.

$ kc

Use that context to deploy TBS into that cluster.

$ kc tanzu-build-service-cluster2
✔ Switched to context "tanzu-build-service-cluster2".

Once switched to taht config, we can talk to that cluster’s API, and for example, get the nodes that make up the cluster. There should be one control plane and three worker nodes, unless you adjusted the cluster YAML.

$ k get nodes
NAME                                                         STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
tanzu-build-service-cluster2-control-plane-86zx9             Ready    control-plane,master   39m   v1.20.7+vmware.1
tanzu-build-service-cluster2-workers-268cf-9686cf46d-4ccdh   Ready    <none>                 33m   v1.20.7+vmware.1
tanzu-build-service-cluster2-workers-268cf-9686cf46d-6sznb   Ready    <none>                 33m   v1.20.7+vmware.1
tanzu-build-service-cluster2-workers-268cf-9686cf46d-d7nld   Ready    <none>                 33m   v1.20.7+vmware.1

Configure Pod Security Policy

The supervisor cluster configures some default security which we will need to further configure to allow TBS to deploy into this cluster.

NOTE: Ensure your kubeconfig is set to the workload cluster, not the supervisor cluster!

NOTE: This RBAC is good for a PoC, it’s likely that we would want to customize this for production.

cat << EOF | kubectl create -f-
kind: ClusterRole
  name: psp:privileged
- apiGroups: ['policy']
  resources: ['podsecuritypolicies']
  verbs:     ['use']
  - vmware-system-privileged
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: all:psp:privileged
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: psp:privileged
- kind: Group
  name: system:serviceaccounts

Now we can deploy TBS!

Install TBS

NOTE: Best to read through the official docs before proceeding.

I’m going to skip through the requirements section and assume that you have read through it and downloaded all the correct pieces which are laid out in the above docs. There are quite a few pieces so please do read carefully. There are some activities you have to do, like downloading CLIs and accepting EULAs and the like.

At this point we can start the deployment.

Copy TBS Images to Your Container Image Repository

We use imgpkg to copy the TBS images to your repo.

First set up a variable.

export IMAGE_REPO="<your.repo/some-repo>"

In my example I’m using the Azure container registry. (Usually I would use Harbor, but I thought I’d try something different today.)

NOTE: This will take a few minutes to complete as we are copying several images from one repo to another.

imgpkg copy -b "" --to-repo $IMAGE_REPO

Now pull this image locally and unpack in /tmp.

imgpkg pull -b $IMAGE_REPO:1.2.2 -o /tmp/bundle

There should be files in /tmp/bundle.

$ find /tmp/bundle/ | head

Deploy TBS

And we can now deploy.

First configure some variables.

NOTE: Please configure all of these variables. They should not be empty.

export IMAGE_REPO="" # where we we copied the TBS images to

Next, perform the deployment.

NOTE: We’re using various Carvel tools to perform the deployment. ytt, kbld, and kapp to name a few.

NOTE: If you supply the tanzunet user/password TBS will be configured to automatically talk to tanzunet and download the latest buildpacks so that you will always be automatically up to date. If they aren’t supplied, that’s fine, you’ll just be in charge of updating the underlying buildpacks. When supplying this information the last step in the deployment can take a while because it’s downloading and uploading images into your registry.

NOTE: Of course this assumes that you’ve followed the TBS docs and downloaded all the Carvel CLIs.

ytt -f /tmp/bundle/values.yaml \
    -f /tmp/bundle/config/ \
    -v docker_repository="$IMAGE_REPO" \
    -v docker_username="$REGISTRY_USER" \
    -v docker_password="$REGISTRY_PASS" \
    -v tanzunet_username="$TANZUNET_USER" \
    -v tanzunet_password="$TANZUNET_PASS" \
    | kbld -f /tmp/bundle/.imgpkg/images.yml -f- \
    | kapp deploy -a tanzu-build-service -f- -y

This will take a few minutes to deploy.

Once it completes we can run kapp list.

$ kapp list
Target cluster '' (nodes: tanzu-build-service-cluster2-control-plane-86zx9, 3+)

Apps in namespace 'default'

Name                 Namespaces                      Lcs   Lca  
tanzu-build-service  (cluster),build-service,kpack,  true  2m  

Lcs: Last Change Successful
Lca: Last Change Age

1 apps


And would want to see succeeded.

Build an Image

With TBS installed we have extended the Kubernetes API so that it knows how to build container images. So to build images we’ll talk to the Kubernetes API using YAML, just like any other Kubernetes object such as pods.

Configure Container Image Repository Secret

Decide what namespace you want to have the images in. I’ll use the default namespace.

NOTE: I use kubectx to manage my clusters and namespaces.

$ kn default
✔ Active namespace is "default"

Create a repository secret. TBS needs to have write access to the container image repo to push the resulting image to.

Use kp to do that.

NOTE: kp is the kpack CLI. It’s a way to use TBS and kpack. But it’s important to understand that kp just talks to Kubernetes, we can get the same information out of Kubernetes using kubectl as we can with kp.

Set up some vars.

export SECRET_NAME=""
export REGISTRY=""

Now create the secret.

kp secret create $SECRET_NAME --registry $REGISTRY --registry-user $REGISTRY_USER --namespace default

You will have to enter the registry password on the command line.

Now that we have TBS installed and a repo secret configured we can build an image.

Build Spring Petclinic

We need to ensure we’re going to upload the newly built image to the right container image repository. This repository is where you want the resulting image to end up!

export REPOSITORY="your.container.image.repo/some-repo"

Now ask TBS to build the image by using the kp CLI.

NOTE: This will take a while on the first build as all the maven dependencies will get downloaded…Spring Petclinic is written in Java.

[ -z "$REGISTRY" ] && echo "ERROR: Please set REGISTRY variable" || \
  kp image create spring-petclinic-image \
  --tag $REGISTRY/spring-petclinic-image \
  --git \
  --git-revision main

We can watch logs of the build with:

kp build logs spring-petclinic-image

Once the build is completed, the image will be pushed to the $REPOSITORY.

NOTE: I’ve pushed to Azure’s container image registry, yours would be different. Harbor is a great choice as well. I just wanted to try out Azure’s registry.

$ az acr repository list --name $MY_REPO --output table | grep spring-petclinic-image

From here on we can magically build almost any application just from the artifacts or source, without having to write and manage a dockerfile. Amazing!


Ultimately this post was about setting up a vSphere with Tanzu cluster that can accept a TBS deployment to it. We didn’t spend much time on why you’d want to use TBS. For that I’d suggest watching a video.

Hat Tip